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What is multiple constant driver error in VHDL

I am developing a VHDL program for flash interface. While compiling my program I got this error.

enter image description here (clickable)

As you can see in the picture, two signals (right hand side) are "xnor" ed and result is assigned to output (flash_oe).

Can anyone describe what is this error message?


  • Are you doing something like this?

    ENTITY test IS
      PORT ( sig1, sig3 : IN BIT;
             sig2 : OUT BIT);
    END test;
    ARCHITECTURE test_arch of test is
        sig2 <= '0';
      END process;
        sig2 <= '1';
      END process;
    END test_arch;

    Let us test this code:

    ghdl -a test.vhd
    ghdl -e test
    ghdl -r test

    we get this error:

    ./test:error: several sources for unresolved signal
    for signal: .test(test_arch).ghdl: compilation error

    This is similar to the one you have posted above and it's come up because my code assigns a value to sig2 in two different processes. How could this be implemented into a circuit?

    Maybe there is a workaround, I have not provided a solution to your problem since I don't know how your code looks like.