A while ago I read the book on Naked Objects and was excited by the ideas. Writing only my core business logic and having the UI automatically generated? Sign me up!
Further, the potential goes beyond that. This can be a great tool in domain modeling. With the ability to directly invoke one's objects, one is encouraged to directly use one's domain objects, whereupon one can discover...
To this end, I'm interested in any systems similar to Naked Objects. I did some leg-work, such as searching for hits under strings like "Direct Manipulation UI", but haven't found anything useful.
Do you know of any work along similar lines? I'd prefer something in PHP or JavaScript and that doesn't assume I'm running a Linux box. I know of NakedPHP and Spiro (can't find documentation for that), but they're both basically Naked Object implementations for PHP and javascript, respectively.
Do you know of any other systems?
I hit upon a few other possible key terms and found a few, although not all are in javascript.
These seem to be better fits...
Metawidget is especially interesting. It supports javascript, and is easy to use. You can just provide it your domain model (a JSON object) and it can generate a UI for it. Further, it doesn't take over your page, so it can live in a pre-existing UI, and it allows UI customizations.
They also include a comparison page with similar products.
Another interesting one is BlueJ; it's an educational platform based on (the idea of?) Naked Objects, but can be used for smaller projects. Basically you can graphically create instances of your class via a context menu, then you can inspect and invoke the resulting object methods via the same way (potentially creating more objects in the process).
Going further afield, to looking towards any UI auto-generation, there are CRUD visualizers which are tied to the database.
I'm still researching these, especially the object ones, and am open to other suggestions.