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External HTML file in Bootstrap Popover content

When I use iframe to load external html file in popover content, it is restricting to popup height. But I want popup height to be auto. Some one help me out .!

title : 'Loading External File',
html : true,
placement : "right",
content: function () {
      return '<iframe src="popover-content.html" style="border:none"></iframe>';    


  • When you are not cross-domaining', i.e. you are not loading or similar into the iframe, it is relatively easy.

    Declare the below function, which takes the popover element (.pop-right) and the popover content <iframe> as parameters :

    function adjustPopover(popover, iframe) {
        var height = iframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px',
            popoverContent = $(popover).next('.popover-content'); = height;
        popoverContent.css('height', height);

    1) get scrollHeight of the iframe (the real height)
    2) get the .popover-content <div> associated with .pop-right
    3) set .popover-content to the real height, and do the same with the <iframe> to avoid scrollbars.

    Then, in your popover initialisation call adjustPopover() in the iframes onload-event with onload="adjustPopover(&quot;.pop-right&quot;, this);" :

       title : 'Loading External File',
       html : true,
       placement : "right",
       content: function() {
           return '<iframe src="content.html" style="border:none" onload="adjustPopover(&quot;.pop-right&quot;, this);"></iframe>';    

    It is a good idea to set a minimum height for the iframes. If you dont do that, popovers will always have at least the browsers default height of an iframe, in chrome 150px.

    iframe {
        height: 40px;
        min-height : 40px;

    Here is an jsfiddle example loading the jsfiddle file /css/normalize.css ->

    As you see, I also changes .popover max-width in the demo. This is for demonstration only, if you want to adjust the width of the popover according to the content of the <iframe>, do the same as above with scrollWidth instead.