We use seam as Java EE framework. I've controller which inherits from EntityHome. When user press 'Save' button, we have a modified entity instance, but not flushed this changes to database.
How can I retrieve this entity in two states(1st - database state, 2-nd user modified state)?
I've tried to use enityManager.refresh(object), but it's also reset all changes in user modified state of object.
I think about two sessions, but i wonder, if there is a better solution?
You can do it like this:
You clone the currently attached entity, using a deep-copy serialization/deserialization (that means all your entities should be serialable):
MyEntity clonedObject = org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils.clone(object);
Then you refresh the currently attached object:
Now you have both the modified object (e.g. clonedObject
) and the original entity version (e.g. object
If you want to merge the clonedObject
, you can simply do it like this:
object = session.merge(clonedObject);