I am trying to verify number of options of drop-down but it is not working. I have used the following code:
this.statusDropDown = function () {
return element(by.model('campaign.lifeStage'));
HTML for drop down is following:
<select class="form-control ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched" data-ng- model="campaign.lifeStage">
<option value="design">Design</option>
<option value="preview">Preview</option>
<option value="live">Live</option>
<option value="completed">Completed</option>
Define a separate field in your page object:
this.statusDropDownItems = function () {
return element.all('select.form-control option');
or relying on the model and chaining element
and element.all
this.statusDropDownItems = function () {
return element(by.model('campaign.lifeStage')).element.all('option');
Then, in your test spec you can use expect
to assert the count:
where page
is your Page Object instance.