Is it possible to set a fixed timespan for a saved visualization or a saved search in Kibana 4?
Scenario: I want to create one dashboard with 2 visualizations with different time spans.
Note that changing the time span on the dashboard does not affect the visualizations. Possible?
You could add a date range query to the saved search you base each visualisation on. Eg, if your timestamp field is called timestamp
timestamp:[now-6M/M TO now]
where the time range is from 'now' to '6 months ago, rounding to the start of the month.
Because Kibana also now supports JSON-based query DSL, you could also achieve the same thing by entering this into the search box instead:
"range" : {
"timestamp" : {
"gte": "now-6M/M",
"lte": "now"
For more on date range queries see
However changing the dashboard timescale will override this if it's a subset. So if you use the above 6 month range in the saved search, but a 3 month range in the dashboard, you'll filter to 3 months of data.