I am creating a java poker game so far I've got my program selecting random cards for the player, dealer and on the board (river). I now want my player to be able to input a value as a bet, I've though of using "Scanner bet = new Scanner(System.in);
" but I also will need a pot and a place for the pot value to go if the dealer wins. I think that I'll need to have 2 or 3 list Player's cash, Pot, Houses cash.
This is my code so far:-
public PockerMain() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public static void main(String[] args)
List<PokerCard> deck = cardDeck();
System.out.println(deck.size() + " Cards In Deck");
System.out.println(deck.size() + " Cards In Deck");
public static void playersHand(List<PokerCard> deck)
PokerCard selectedCard = nextCardToPick(deck);
PokerCard secondSelectedCard = secondCardToPick(deck);
System.out.println(selectedCard + " this your random card");
System.out.println(secondSelectedCard + " this is your other card");
Scanner bet = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void housesHand(List<PokerCard> deck)
PokerCard dealersFirstCard = dealerHandFirstCard(deck);
PokerCard dealersSecondCard = dealerHandSecondCard(deck);
System.out.println(dealersFirstCard + " this is the dealers random card");
System.out.println(dealersSecondCard + " this is the dealers other card");
public static void theBoard(List<PokerCard> deck)
PokerCard firstBoardCard = boardCardOne(deck);
PokerCard secondBoardCard = boardCardTwo(deck);
PokerCard thirdBoardCard = boardCardThree(deck);
PokerCard forthBoardCard = boardCardFour(deck);
PokerCard fithBoardCard = boardCardFive(deck);
System.out.println(firstBoardCard + " this is the first card on the board");
System.out.println(secondBoardCard + " this is the second card on the board");
System.out.println(thirdBoardCard + " this is the third card on the board");
System.out.println(forthBoardCard + " this is the forth card on the board");
System.out.println(fithBoardCard + " this is the fith card on the board");
private static PokerCard createCard (short suit, short rank)
PokerCard card = new PokerCard (suit, rank);
return card;
private static List<PokerCard> cardDeck ()
List<PokerCard> deck = new ArrayList<PokerCard> ();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
for (int j = 0; j < 13; j ++)
PokerCard card = createCard ((short)i, (short)j);
return deck;
* this selects a card and the removes it from the list of cards
* @param cardDeck is the list of cards
* @return a random card selected from the cardDeck
private static PokerCard nextCardToPick(List<PokerCard> cardDeck)
Random random = new Random();
int nextCardToPick = random.nextInt(cardDeck.size());//get random number in range 0 - deck.size (assuming 52 cards then it will give value between 0 -51)
PokerCard selectedCard = cardDeck.get(nextCardToPick);
cardDeck.remove(selectedCard);//this will remove the card from the cardDeck
return selectedCard;
private static PokerCard secondCardToPick(List<PokerCard> cardDeck)
Random random = new Random();
int secondCardToPick = random.nextInt(cardDeck.size());//get random number in range 0 - deck.size (assuming 52 cards then it will give value between 0 -51)
PokerCard secondSelectedCard = cardDeck.get(secondCardToPick);
cardDeck.remove(secondSelectedCard);//this will remove the card from the cardDeck
return secondSelectedCard;
private static PokerCard dealerHandFirstCard(List<PokerCard> cardDeck)
Random random = new Random();
int dealerHandFirstCard = random.nextInt(cardDeck.size());//get random number in range 0 - deck.size (assuming 52 cards then it will give value between 0 -51)
PokerCard dealersFirstCard = cardDeck.get(dealerHandFirstCard);
cardDeck.remove(dealersFirstCard);//this will remove the card from the cardDeck
return dealersFirstCard;
private static PokerCard dealerHandSecondCard(List<PokerCard> cardDeck)
Random random = new Random();
int dealerHandSecondCard = random.nextInt(cardDeck.size());//get random number in range 0 - deck.size (assuming 52 cards then it will give value between 0 -51)
PokerCard dealersSecondCard = cardDeck.get(dealerHandSecondCard);
cardDeck.remove(dealersSecondCard);//this will remove the card from the cardDeck
return dealersSecondCard;
private static PokerCard boardCardOne(List<PokerCard> cardDeck)
Random random = new Random();
int boardCardOne = random.nextInt(cardDeck.size());//get random number in range 0 - deck.size (assuming 52 cards then it will give value between 0 -51)
PokerCard firstBoardCard = cardDeck.get(boardCardOne);
cardDeck.remove(firstBoardCard);//this will remove the card from the cardDeck
return firstBoardCard;
private static PokerCard boardCardTwo(List<PokerCard> cardDeck)
Random random = new Random();
int boardCardTwo = random.nextInt(cardDeck.size());//get random number in range 0 - deck.size (assuming 52 cards then it will give value between 0 -51)
PokerCard secondBoardCard = cardDeck.get(boardCardTwo);
cardDeck.remove(secondBoardCard);//this will remove the card from the cardDeck
return secondBoardCard;
private static PokerCard boardCardThree(List<PokerCard> cardDeck)
Random random = new Random();
int boardCardThree = random.nextInt(cardDeck.size());//get random number in range 0 - deck.size (assuming 52 cards then it will give value between 0 -51)
PokerCard thirdBoardCard = cardDeck.get(boardCardThree);
cardDeck.remove(thirdBoardCard);//this will remove the card from the cardDeck
return thirdBoardCard;
private static PokerCard boardCardFour(List<PokerCard> cardDeck)
Random random = new Random();
int boardCardFour = random.nextInt(cardDeck.size());//get random number in range 0 - deck.size (assuming 52 cards then it will give value between 0 -51)
PokerCard forthBoardCard = cardDeck.get(boardCardFour);
cardDeck.remove(forthBoardCard);//this will remove the card from the cardDeck
return forthBoardCard;
private static PokerCard boardCardFive(List<PokerCard> cardDeck)
Random random = new Random();
int boardCardFive = random.nextInt(cardDeck.size());//get random number in range 0 - deck.size (assuming 52 cards then it will give value between 0 -51)
PokerCard fithBoardCard = cardDeck.get(boardCardFive);
cardDeck.remove(fithBoardCard);//this will remove the card from the cardDeck
return fithBoardCard;
If you could help or point me in the direction that I need to go that would be great.
First thought i have is that you should do Player objects. It would consist in : - 2 poker cards - The amount of money the player/dealer has
Now the methods :
Hope this helps