I am passing a JSON array with multiple Highcharts arguments to the client. In a few cases, I use an array_merge to insert after the allocation code a few extra things. This works fine as long as the argument being passed will be displayed in quotes, such as:
$data_['xAxis'] = array_merge($data_['xAxis'], array("type" => "category"));
Then, on the client side, this will translate into:
type: "category"
But there are occasions, where I want to pass a function, which should be displayed like this one:
chart: {
events: {
load: function () {
var label = ....
When I use this here, it's being displayed as a text:
$data_['chart'] = array_merge($data_['chart'], array("events" => "{load: function(event) {var label = ... }}");
chart: {
events: "{
load: function () {
var label = ....
EDIT: The Javascript on the client side looks like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
var options = {};
var url = "http://geodev.grid.unep.ch/mod_test/jsonp_response.php?callback=?";
$.getJSON(url, {selectedCountries: selectedCountries , selectedID: selectedID, selectedYears: selectedYears, per_capita: per_capita, graphBorder: graphBorder, graphSource: graphSource, graphStyle: graphStyle, graphXAxis: graphXAxis, type: "jsonp"})
options.chart = data["chart"];
options.tooltip = data["tooltip"];
options.series = data["series"];
options.title = data["title"];
options.subtitle = data["subtitle"];
options.yAxis = data["yAxis"];
options.xAxis = data["xAxis"];
options.legend = data["legend"];
options.exporting = data["exporting"];
options.plotOptions = data["plotOptions"];
options.credits = data["credits"];
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
So, what can I do to pass it over in order that it is not displayed as text? Can anyone give me a hint how to do it the right way? Thanks a lot!
couple of ways
implement event handlers in the javascript itself, like
options.credits = data["credits"];
options.chart.events = {};
options.chart.events.load = function(event){
// implementations go here
Not recommending though, using eval
options.credits = data["credits"];
options.chart.events = eval(data.chart.events);
Hope this helps