I've wrote a small function for debug purpose which sends string via USB to a terminal :
void localprint(char* msg){
if(strlen(msg) > 60){
else usb_sendData(msg,strlen(msg));
} the function works fine for strings like :
localprint(" I'm a test" ),
the message is displayed on terminal.
Now I want to get the adcValue
which is an int
on the terminal, for I've tried :
char t= (char)(((int)'0')+getADCValue(9)); // getting the ADC value of 0th channel
this doens't work at all , I'Ve also tried :
char t= (char) getADCVAlue(9);
it doesn't work neither. So my question is any idea how can I do that . I'm using uC STM32f10xx and ARM gcc. thanks for any hint
Without knowing anything about the range of possible ints, something like this will work:
char buffer[32];
sprintf(buffer, "%d", getADCVAlue(9));
Since you did 0+
, I'm assuming it's one digit, so you could go
char buffer[2];
buffer[0] = '0' + getADCVAlue(9);
buffer[1] = '\0';