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Counting Angular's $digest Cycles


I want to have angular trigger css animations on page load. Is there a way to count angular's digest cycles within say, a controller or directive?

long version:

I have some angular animations which I want to run when the page loads, using ng-enter, ng-leave, ng-move and so on... with an ng-repeat directive.

As of 1.3.6, I know that angular waits to apply any animations until after 2 digest cycles occur, so these animations aren't happening at all because the data is (almost always)loaded into the view on the first digest cycle of my application. (sauce:

I'm wondering if there's some way that I can count digest cycles and either trigger the animations, or load the data in after the 2nd digest cycle?

Also, if I wait until 2 digest cycles, is there a risk that the second cycle wont occur in some instances meaning that my data wouldn't load into the view? If this is the case, is there a way that I can guarantee that at least 2 digest cycles will occur every time?

As a temporary fix, I'm using $timeout to load my data in after 500ms, but I know this is a really bad idea.

relevant code:

(changed some of the names of certain things because of an NDA on this project)


<div ng-repeat="pizza in pizzas" class="za" ng-click="bake(pizza)"></div>

css/sass (browser prefixes removed for brevity):

.za {
  //other styles

  &.ng-move {
    transition: all 1s $slowOut;
    transform: translate(1000px, 0px) rotateZ(90deg);
  &.ng-move, {
    transform: translate(1000px, 0px) rotateZ(90deg);
  & {
    transform: translate(0, 0) rotateZ(0deg);
  &.ng-move-stagger {
    transition-delay: 2s;
    transition-duration: 0s;


// inside a controller
timeout(function() { = [ // actually injecting 'myData' and using `myData.get()` which returns an array of objects
    {toppings: ['cheese', 'formaldehyde']},
    {toppings: ['mayo', 'mustard', 'garlic']},
    {toppings: ['red sauce', 'blue sauce']}
}, 500);


  • As pointed out in the documentation:

    If you want to be notified whenever $digest is called, you can register a watchExpression function with no listener. (Since watchExpression can execute multiple times per $digest cycle when a change is detected, be prepared for multiple calls to your listener.)

    So you can count the $digest with the following code:

    var nbDigest = 0;
    $rootScope.$watch(function() {

    Update: illustration as to why you cannot rely on HTML, if you look at your dev console you will see Angular complaining about not being able to end a digect cycle (abortion after 10 cycles)

    angular.module("test", []).controller("test", function($scope) {
      $scope.digestCount = 0;
      $scope.incrementDigestCount = function() {
          return ++$scope.digestCount;
    <script src=""></script>
    <body ng-app="test" ng-controller="test">