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jOOQ: DataAccessException and constraints

I am implementing a REST API with Jersey and jOOQ.

I have a table with some constraints, for example a unique key. When inserting a tuple which violates this constraint, jOOQ throws a DataAccessException:

org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException: SQL [insert into ...]; ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "issue_name_key"

Is there a way to find out which constraint has been violated, without string-parsing the error message? If a constraint is violated, I want to return a 400 bad request http status code instead of a 500 general error.

If this is not possible, what is common practise here? Should I query the database for each possible constraint violation? This smells like a maintenance trap.


  • As per comment by Lukas Eder: not possible in jOOQ, since it only relies on JDBC exceptions.