I'm showing downloads of my post. Upon clicking on them an action is executed to increment their download-count and issue the download itself.
When there are two download-items, I click on the first one, its download-count changes in the templates and it switches position with the second download-item. Why are they interchanged and how can I prevent it?
This is the template:
{{#each download in post.downloads }}
<a {{ action "incDownload" download }}>
{{ download.name }}
</a> - {{ unbound download.downloadcount }} Hits
This is the controller:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({
actions: {
incDownload: function(obj) {
You aren't performing any explicit sorting so when the contents of the downloads array are changed their sorting may be changed as well. Use the SortableMixin
to ensure a consistent sort order.