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How return a std::string from C's "getcwd" function

Sorry to keep hammering on this, but I'm trying to learn :). Is this any good? And yes, I care about memory leaks. I can't find a decent way of preallocating the char*, because there simply seems to be no cross-platform way.

const string getcwd()
    char* a_cwd = getcwd(NULL,0);
    string s_cwd(a_cwd);
    return s_cwd;

UPDATE2: without Boost or Qt, the most common stuff can get long-winded (see accepted answer)


  • If you want to remain standard, getcwd isn't required to do anything if you pass to it a NULL; you should instead allocate on the stack a buffer that is "large enough" for most occasions (say, 255 characters), but be prepared for the occasion in which getcwd may fail with errno==ERANGE; in that case you should allocate dinamically a bigger buffer, and increase its size if necessary.

    Something like this could work (notice: not tested, just written by scratch, can be surely improved):

    string getcwd()
        const size_t chunkSize=255;
        const int maxChunks=10240; // 2550 KiBs of current path are more than enough
        char stackBuffer[chunkSize]; // Stack buffer for the "normal" case
            return stackBuffer;
            // It's not ERANGE, so we don't know how to handle it
            throw std::runtime_error("Cannot determine the current path.");
            // Of course you may choose a different error reporting method
        // Ok, the stack buffer isn't long enough; fallback to heap allocation
        for(int chunks=2; chunks<maxChunks ; chunks++)
            // With boost use scoped_ptr; in C++0x, use unique_ptr
            // If you want to be less C++ but more efficient you may want to use realloc
            std::auto_ptr<char> cwd(new char[chunkSize*chunks]); 
                return cwd.get();
                // It's not ERANGE, so we don't know how to handle it
                throw std::runtime_error("Cannot determine the current path.");
                // Of course you may choose a different error reporting method
        throw std::runtime_error("Cannot determine the current path; the path is apparently unreasonably long");

    By the way, in your code there's a very wrong thing: you are trying to dellocate a_cwd (which presumably, in the nonstandard extension, is allocated with malloc or with some other memory allocation function, since getcwd is thought for C) with delete: you absolutely shouldn't do that, keep in mind that each allocation method has its deallocation counterpart, and they must not be mismatched.