I am creating a dependent combo for country,city and state here. I have a select listener in country combo,wherein I call loadCityCombo method.. But, I am not able to access cityStore from loadCityCombo.
What changes should I do for the dependent combo to work?
this.country = {
store : this.countryStore,
xtype: 'combo',
fieldLabel : 'Country',
displayField : 'country',
valueField : 'country',
name : 'country',
typeAhead : true,
mode : 'local',
triggerAction : 'all',
editable : false,
forceSelection : true,
allowBlank : false,
emptyText : 'Select Country',
listeners : {
'select' : this.loadCityCombo
this.loadCityCombo = function(country) {
var ctyCombo = (that.mainFormPanel.getComponent('locationDetailsFieldSet')).getComponent('citycombo');
var that = this;
if(country != null){
var countryName = country.value;
params : {
country : countryName,start : 1,limit : 1
I think you could be suffering from a scope issue, try adding
listeners : {
'select' : this.loadCityCombo,
scope: this
You should be able to use the this keyword and not the 'that' variable you have defined
EDIT If not defined, this usually refers to the browser window.