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How can I use a javascript function to create polymer elements which can call javascript functions

I have an array of objects, each of which I want to render into polymer cord-card element. Each element when tapped, i'd like to call a javascript function.

I've used a simple loop to create the elements with javascript however nothing happens when I click/tap the element.

Here is part of my JS function to create the element:

 createElements: function() {


 var count = results.length;
 var custom = "";

          for (var a = 0; a < count; a++)//places results in cards
            custom += '<core-card id="core_card10" on-tap="{{ test }}" horizontal layout>';
            custom += '<core-item id="core_item4" label="' + results[a].account_number + '" horizontal center layout one flex center-justified></core-item>';
            custom += '<core-item id="core_item5" label="' + results[a].given_name + '" onclick="horizontal" center layout one flex center-justified horizontal></core-item>';
            custom += '<core-item id="core_item6" label="' + results[a].family_name + '" horizontal center layout one flex center-justified></core-item>';
            custom += '<core-item id="core_item7" icon="mail" label="' + results[a].email + '" horizontal center layout one flex center-justified></core-item>';
            custom += '<core-item id="core_item8" icon="perm-phone-msg" label="' + results[a].contact_numbers.main + '" horizontal center layout one flex center-justified></core-item>';
            custom += '</core-card>';

          this.$.result.innerHTML = custom;//places card elements on page


 test: function() {

I'm trying to render the cards within a larger custom polymer-element. The cards render fine, but when I click on them I get nothing.

If however the card element already existed within the document as opposed to being inserted by JS like i'm trying to do, then it works fine. Only when I try to insert the very same markup by JS do I have this issue.


  • You seem to be trying to brute for this. Why not do this via a template?

    <template repeat="result in results">
       <core-card on-tap="{{ test }}" horizontal layout>
        <core-item label="{{result.account_number}}" horizontal center layout one flex center-justified></core-item>
        <core-item label="{{result.given_name}}" onclick="horizontal" center layout one flex center-justified horizontal></core-item>
        <core-item label="{{result.family_name}}"horizontal center layout one flex center-justified></core-item>
        <core-item icon="mail" label="{{}}"horizontal center layout one flex center-justified></core-item>
        <core-item icon="perm-phone-msg" label="{{result.contact_number.main}}" horizontal center layout one flex center-justified></core-item>

    your polymer element could then look like:

        <link rel="import" href="../../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
    <polymer-element name="yo-list" attributes="">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="yo-list.css">
          <template id="result" repeat="{{ result in results }}">
            <core-card on-tap="{{ test }}" horizontal layout>
              <core-item label="{{result.account_number}}" horizontal center layout one flex center-justified></core-item>
              <core-item label="{{result.given_name}}" onclick="horizontal" center layout one flex center-justified horizontal></core-item>
              <core-item label="{{result.family_name}}"horizontal center layout one flex center-justified></core-item>
              <core-item icon="mail" label="{{}}"horizontal center layout one flex center-justified></core-item>
              <core-item icon="perm-phone-msg" label="{{result.contact_number.main}}" horizontal center layout one flex center-justified></core-item>
        (function () {
            test: function(){
            ready: function () {
              this.results = [
                  account_number: "19123281",
                  given_name: "John",
                  family_name: "Doe",
                  email: "",
                  contact_number: {
                    main: "555-5555"
                  account_number: "97854654",
                  given_name: "Mary",
                  family_name: "Sue",
                  email: "",
                  contact_number: {
                    main: "555-5555"
                  account_number: "87984561",
                  given_name: "Gary",
                  family_name: "Stue",
                  email: "",
                  contact_number: {
                    main: "555-5555"