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Error No such file or directory during Gulp-Ruby-Sass Task

I'm using Gulp as my task runner, and gulp-ruby-sass to compile my sass files into css.

The error I'm getting on my gulp default task:

enter image description here

My default Gulp task:

gulp.task('default', ['delete', 'web_css', 'dash_css', 'web_js', 'dash_js']);

My 2 compile SASS tasks:

// Compile public SASS
gulp.task('web_css', function() {
    return sass('client/website/_sources/sass/bitage_web.scss', { style: 'compressed' })

// Compile dashboard SASS
gulp.task('dash_css', function() {
    return sass('client/dashboard/_sources/sass/bitage_app.scss', { style: 'compressed' })

Both tasks above are virtually identically.

When I run the default task (gulp):

  1. The website css compiles ok
  2. All the js compiles ok
  3. But then I get that error before the dash_css finishes, and the css is not compiled :(

enter image description here

Additional notes:

  • If make a change in gulp watch the dash_css will compile just fine.
  • If I run just gulp dash_css it also compiles just fine.
  • I only have this Errno::ENOENT bug when I run the default task.

enter image description here

Do you see anything strange above? Or have run into this issue before?


  • Use callback so that gulp knows when the task is complete:

    gulp.task('delete', function(cb) {
        ], cb);

    Make delete run before other tasks for example with run-sequence.