I wanted to try out Restlet's OAuth extension in a Java EE project. When going to the download page and selecting maven, a number of available extensions are listed, but the OAuth extension isn't.
According to the Javadocs, there is an org.restlet.ext.oauth package, but I don't know where I can find it in the Maven repository. It isn't in the main maven artifact, and there isn't any artifact whose description mentions "OAuth". Following the naming convention, I tried to add the artifact org.restlet.ext.oauth
, but it doesn't exist (which is not surprising, as it isn't mentioned on the above-liked download page).
Where can I find the org.restlet.ext.oauth package the restlet Maven repository?
Yes, there is an OAuth extension in Restlet.
Perhaps can you try to use the Maven repository of Restlet. This link (http://restlet.com/technical-resources/restlet-framework/guide/2.2/introduction/getting-started/maven) will help you to use this repository and configure the dependency within your file pom.xml
You can see the extension in this repository. See this link for example: http://maven.restlet.com/org/restlet/jse/org.restlet.ext.oauth/2.3.1/.
Hope it helps you, Thierry