I have a web service that I created in C# and a test harness that was provided by my client. Unfortunately my web service doesn't seem to be parsing the objects created by the test harness. I believe the problem lies with serializing the soap packet.
Using TCPTrace I was able to get the soap packet passed to the web service but only on a remote machine so I can't debug it there. Is there a way of calling my local webservice with the soap packet generated rather than my current test harness where I manually create objects and call the web service through a web reference?
[edit] The machine that I got the soap packet was on a vm so I can't link it to my machine. I suppose I'm looking for a tool that I can paste the soap packet into and it will in turn call my web service
A somewhat manual process would be to use the Poster add-in for Firefox. There is also a java utility called SoapUI that has some discovery based automated templates that you can then modify and run against your service.