I'm trying to create select search to to find people by first name or last name but when the user type search for name I have couple of cases
My problem is if always run the first case my Question how can I make my code run the right case
using System;
namespace separatefullnamestring
class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
string query = "fulname.kkkkk";
// var result = from tableA in ContextDB.tblA
// join tableB in ContextDB.tblb tableA. ID equals tableB.ID
// select tableA;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (query)) {
Console.WriteLine ("fullname ");
//result = result.where(p => p.FirstName.containe(query) || p.LastName.containe(query));
} else // if full name contine containe . firstName.LastName
if (query.Contains (".")) {
Console.WriteLine ("Contains .");
// var names = fullName.Split ('.');
// string fName = names[0];
// string lName = names[1];
// result = result.where(p => p.FirstName.containe(fName) || p.LastName.containe(lName));
} else // if full name contine containe _ firstName_LastName
if (query.Contains ("_")) {
Console.WriteLine ("Contains .");
// var names = fullName.Split ('_');
// string fName = names[0];
// string lName = names[1];
// result = result.where(p => p.FirstName.containe(fName) || p.LastName.containe(lName));
} else // if full name contine containe space firstName_LastName
if (query.Contains (" ")) {
Console.WriteLine ("Contains ");
//var names = fullName.Split ('_');
//string fName = names[0];
//string lName = names[1];
//result = result.where(p => p.FirstName.containe(fName) || p.LastName.containe(lName));
There were a few issues with the code.
The first conditional "!String.IsNullOrEmpty (query)" would force any non-null or empty query value to stop processing at this time. Solution: Increased the scope of the conditional, so if the case is true, the application would end.
The conditional statement for "else if (query.Contains ("_"))" Console.Writeline displays the exact same text as the conditional above it, thus making debugging a little difficult because you were unsure which statement you were on. Solution: Corrected the text in the Writeline statement.
Updated code:
string query = "fulname_kkkkk";
// var result = from tableA in ContextDB.tblA
// join tableB in ContextDB.tblb tableA. ID equals tableB.ID
// select tableA;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (query)) {
if (query.Contains (".")) {
Console.WriteLine ("Contains .");
// var names = fullName.Split ('.');
// string fName = names[0];
// string lName = names[1];
// result = result.where(p => p.FirstName.containe(fName) || p.LastName.containe(lName));
} else if (query.Contains ("_")) {
Console.WriteLine ("Contains _");
// var names = fullName.Split ('_');
// string fName = names[0];
// string lName = names[1];
// result = result.where(p => p.FirstName.containe(fName) || p.LastName.containe(lName));
} else if (query.Contains (" ")) {
Console.WriteLine ("Contains ");
//var names = fullName.Split ('_');
//string fName = names[0];
//string lName = names[1];
//result = result.where(p => p.FirstName.containe(fName) || p.LastName.containe(lName));
} else {
Console.WriteLine ("fullname ");
//result = result.where(p => p.FirstName.containe(query) || p.LastName.containe(query));
} else {
Console.WriteLine("Exiting program");