I am trying to translate from bloomberg excel vba to bloomberg java api.
For example, how to translate this sentence? =BDH("IBM US Equity","LAST_PRICE",Hourly_Start,Hourly_End,"BarTp=T","BarSz=60","Dir=V","Dts=S","Sort=D","Points=20")
I am not especially not sure about the Hourly_Start part, can I do this? request.set("startDate","Hourly_Start"); Also, how to set the BarTp=T Dir=V part?
Thanks a lot.
I have some experience requesting historical prices using bloomberg C# api.
you can do request.getElement("startDate").SetValue(startdate)
startdate you pass in is a string representation of the DateTime in a specific format. I would start with downloading java api examples and look at an example related to historical prices
for the other parameters in the excel example trick is to figure out the mapping of the request element to the parmeter passed.