I am trying to install the Apache Felix WeConsole and I found a small problem with the requirements. I get to install the WebConsole bundle along with its dependencies but the org.json
dependency. Happens that this dependency is not even an OSGi bundle, so Felix seems to not care about that file and the WebConsole keeps claiming for the dependency. Why Apache makes public something that does not work out the box?
I am using this dependency for the WeConsole:
As you can see here, there is that dependency (org.json
) with some strange version. I tried to install the dependency into Felix, fix its Manifest file to export the packages and nothing seems to work, the webconsole keeps asking for the package.
At this moment I've ran out of ideas, anybody knows how to finally resolve the Apache Felix WebConsole bundle?
I had the same issue so I re-packaged org.json and uploaded it to maven central with our groupId. Use this and everything will work: