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Adding query Parameters to Go Json Rest

I am using the library go-json-rest. I'm trying to recognize queries parameters in the code for example localhost:8080/reminders?hello=world I want to access {hello: world} . I have the following code:

//in another function
&rest.Route{"GET", "/reminders", i.GetAllReminders},

func (i *Impl) GetAllReminders(w rest.ResponseWriter, r *rest.Request) {
    reminders := []Reminder{}

I know that r.PathParams holds the url parameters but I cannot seem to find how to the query parameters past the "?" in the url.


  • Given that go-json-rest is a thin wrapper on top of net/http, have you looked at that package's documentation? Specifically, the Request object has a field Form that contains a parsed map of query string values as well as POST data, that you can access as a url.Values (map[string][]string), or retrieve one in particular from FormValue.