I've been given a C++ DLL that allocates memory. It has several functions that need me to pass it the pointer to this allocated memory. I'm working in C# so I need to keep this pointer around, so I can pass it back to the C++ DLL when needed. The pointer will never be used in the C# side other than keeping it around to pass to the C++ code.
I'd prefer not to use the unsafe
keyword at all.
I've created an IntPtr to pass to the C++ functions to store the allocated memory address, but it crashes immediately on the C++ side (AccessViolationException). I'm not sure of the proper syntax for the DLL call.
This is an example of what I'm trying to do:
public static extern void get_pointer_to_new_memory(IntPtr memory_ptr);
Is this possible without using unsafe
? If so, how?
UPDATE: Sorry I didn't post this sooner. Here is the function I'm calling. (Names have been changed to protect the innocent.)
typedef void* handle_ptr;
void DLL_API get_pointer_to_new_memory(handle_ptr* handle)
Thanks to Lucas' comment I got it working. I was on the right track...just missing the out
public static extern void get_pointer_to_new_memory(out IntPtr memory_ptr);