I'm using nestacms for a new website.
I'm trying to add pagination where i'm listing articles.
There's no documentation on the official website.
I've tried with following gems :
But I don't get it.
Do somone knows how to add pagination on nestacms ?
Well, it is quite complicated. As far as you don't have write access to Nesta controllers and Nesta doesn't use any database, you cannot use pagination gems.
As quick-and-dirty solution I made some changes in /views/summaries.haml
- unless pages.empty?
- per_page = 10
- page = params[:page].nil? ? 1 : params[:page].to_i
- start_page = (page - 1) * per_page
- end_page = page * per_page - 1
- all_pages = Nesta::Page.find_articles
- pages = all_pages[start_page..end_page]
...unchanged code here
= haml :page_meta, :layout => false, :locals => { :page => page }
-if page*per_page < all_pages.size
%a.perv{href:"/?page=#{page+1}"} Previous page
-if page > 1
%a.next{href:"/?page=#{page-1}"} Next page
Then you could adjust your .prev and .next classes as you like with CSS
As very proper solution I would suggest to make a pull request to Nesta repository with any pagination gem support by default.