im trying to make a volume bar for a video. the concept is that when you click the volume button, a div appears, and you can control the volume level with it. when you hover out from the div a counter starts counting down from 7 and makes the div disappear. however, if the counter started and you hover back on the volume controler, the counter is stopped. I dont know how to interrupt the timer from counting down. any input?
this is what i got so far.
//event for volume bar
volumeC.addEventListener("mouseover", function(){ = 'inline-block';
volumeC.addEventListener("mouseout", function(){
timer = setTimeout(function () { = 'none';
}, 7000);
You need to clear timeout with clearTimeout
put in mouseover
var timer;
volumeC.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
clearTimeout(timer); = 'inline-block';