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jQuery append params to url

I like the way jQuery's $.ajax() method allows to specify request url:

  url: '',
    param2: '2'

$.ajax() method will (probably) call $.param() on provided data and optionally append it to provided URL.

My question is: is this type of url manipulation available outside of $.ajax() call?

For example, I want to open a popup window, and I would like to construct URL in the same way that I do with $.ajax().

I have written a function which does this, but I have a feeling I am reinventing the wheel and duplicating already existing function of jQuery:

var prepareUrl = function( url, data )
  var params = $.param( data );

  if ( params.length > 0 )
    // url contains a query string
    if ( url.indexOf( '?' ) > -1 )
      // get last char of url
      var lastChar = url.substr( url.length - 1 );

      // Append & to the end of url if required
      if ( lastChar != '&' && lastChar != '?' )
        url += '&';

    else // url doesn't contain a query string
      url += '?';

    url += params;

  return url;



  • Since other replies didn't answer my question, i have made a few tests with the $.ajax() call to see how it merges urls with param data.

    My findings so far:

    • if url contains a ?, then $.ajax() will append '&' + $.param(data)
    • if not, then $.ajax() will append '?' + $.param(data)

    So if I want to keep my url processing function consistent with the way $.ajax() does it, then it should be something like the following:

      var addParams = function( url, data )
        if ( ! $.isEmptyObject(data) )
          url += ( url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + $.param(data);
        return url;

    I am still wondering if there is a built-in jQuery method to do this.