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Composer create-project always fails with the project I created

I have this project on Github and Packagist:

I want to use this as a deploy app, so, when I need to start a new project I just go to the cmd and type composer create-project gitraffa/framework --prefer-distand it should automatically create the folder and inser the files. But it isn't working(I always get something saying that a stable version could not be found). Am I doing something wrong or can't this be done?

Here is my composer.json file:

    "name": "gitraffa/framework",
    "description": "A powerful yet easy-to-use PHP micro-framework designed to help you build dynamic and robust Web applications - fast!",
    "homepage": "",
    "license": "GPL-3.0",
    "authors": [
            "name": "Rafael Santos",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "homepage": ""
    "require": {
        "php": ">=5.3.6",
        "psr/log": "~1.0"
    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""
    "extra": {
        "branch-alias": {
            "dev-master": "1.0.0"


  • Composer by default installs only tagged versions (last stable that meets condition).

    The error message can be fixed by:

    1. using @dev tag, like: composer create-project gitraffa/framework:@dev --prefer-dist

    2. tagging your package