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How do I rebind the <Enter> key on Eclim displays (:ProjectProblems, :JavaCorrect, etc.) to the 'o' key

How do I rebind the key on Eclim displays (:ProjectProblems, :JavaCorrect, etc.) to the 'o' key? Both NERDTree, and BufExplorer use the 'o' key when you want to select an element. I want to maintain this convention.


  • You have to look into the sourcecode of eclim. For :JavaCorrect the corresponding file is found at $ECLIM_INSTALLDIR/eclim/autoload/eclim/java/correct.vim (or org.eclim.jdt/vim/eclim/autoload/eclim/java/correct.vim if you are looking at the github source). At line 98, the mapping of <cr> can be found.

    I don't think there is any other feasable way of remapping this key. I have already tried writing an autocmd to match for the filename (eg: au BufEnter *.java_correct map ...), but this was not possible. The buffers filename is set after all the events have fired (at least I think it is so).