Sample code from
If you would like to configure the XStream instance used by the Camel for the message transformation, you can simply pass a reference to that instance on the DSL level.
XStream xStream = new XStream();
xStream.aliasField("money", PurchaseOrder.class, "cash");
// new Added setModel option since Camel 2.14
marshal(new XStreamDataFormat(xStream)).
But this code is wrong, because org.apache.camel.model.dataformat.XStreamDataFormat
constructor accept only String. How to configure custom com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream
in camel?
I dont want to use XML, my application is using Spring.
If you want to have it done fast, instead of going through "marshal" you can redirect to a marshalling "bean" that will do the marhsalling in the way you need.
FooDeserializer fooDeserializer;
public RouteBuilder route() {
return new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
public class FooDeserializer {
private final XStream xStream;
public FooDeserializer() {
xStream = new XStream();
xStream.aliasField("money", PurchaseOrder.class, "cash");
public Foo xmlToFoo(String xml) {
return (Foo) xStream.fromXML(xml);