I am working on application, which is skipping the FILTERS configured in application while connecting to a http URL through code. One of the filters is UTF8Filter configured with URL pattern /*
. Below is the code snippet of my URL connection.
String protocol = "http";
String port = "50000";
String host = "localhost";
URL url = new URL(protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + path + "/"
+ fs + "_" + fsv + ".jspx?id=" + wid + "&rt=pdf");
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
if (jsessionid != null) {
conn.addRequestProperty("Cookie", jsessionid.getName() + "="
+ jsessionid.getValue());
logger.info("Before connect....");
logger.info("After connect...");
logger.info("get response code : " + conn.getResponseCode());//200
Below is the log captured from the application.
INFO GPBean:201 - Before connect....
INFO GPBean:203 - After connect...
INFO GPBean:207 - get response code : 200
--- It has skipped the filters. Request hasn't gone through the UTF8Filter.
Our application is using form based authentication. I see that there is some problem displaying the logon images, because its looking for those images in some other folder, not sure of this.
I have tried removing the authenticaion module and tested the application. It works fine.
Below is the log captured disabling the form based authentication.
19 Feb 2015 12:32:19,289 INFO GPBean:201 - Before connect....
19 Feb 2015 12:32:19,292 INFO GPBean:203 - After connect...
19 Feb 2015 12:32:19,363 INFO UTF8Filter:38 - In UTF8Filter class, doFilter() method...
19 Feb 2015 12:32:19,365 INFO UTF8Filter:41 - In UTF8 Filter, Filtering the request
-----some other log messages
19 Feb 2015 12:32:27,017 INFO GPBean:207 - get response code : 200
At this point, I am not sure to decide if the problem is with FORM Based authentication or with HTTPUrl connection code or some other configuration. Any help is appreciated.
UPDATE: As requested, I am updating with the fragment of my web.xml
<servlet-name>Persistent Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Persistent Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Blocking Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Persistent Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Persistent Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Persistent Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Persistent Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Blocking Servlet</servlet-name>
I think your Filter will not intercept the requests made by your code using HttpURLConnection
as it's not in the scope of a Filter. A Filter can be configured at a container (your tomcat server) level to intercept requests fired using Container API something like RequestDispatcher's forward()
(or) include()
. Basically a JAVA EE6 filter can be configured in web.xml with following <dispatcher>