this question is a bit weird, but I am after it for last couple of days.
I have sent ResultSet object to JSP page to display the records. It is displaying all the records of resultset in JSP using while({}.
My question is : Is there any method that will print the records of resultset from a certain number_of_row to a certain number_of_row?, e.g. I want to print the records between row-number 3 to 6.
I dont want Java Classes to take the loads like SQL : SELECT * FROM......LIMIT 3,3;
I want JSP to take step to do that e.g. while( 3 to 6)){} Any help ? Thanx in advance.
ResultSet has method, absolute() which takes the row no.
So you could simply use:
while( {
if(6 < rs.getRow()) {//get current row no
//get data