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Trying to understand the difference between prototype and constructor in JavaScript

I'm new to JavaScript and trying to understand this concept. I have read many articles regarding prototypes and constructors but wherever I go I'm left with confusion.

The confusion arises when people talk about constructors and prototypes simultaneously.

In the following example

var employee = function Emp(name) { = name;
var jack = new employee("Jack Dwain");

employee.constructor // gives Function()

employee.prototype // gives Emp {}

employee.prototype.constructor // gives Emp(name)

jack.constructor // gives Emp(name)

jack.prototype // gives undefined
  1. prototype is a way that JS achieves inheritance, since Emp(name) is the base function prototype is referenced to the same function itself. Is that what happened?

  2. In what way do employee.constructor and employee.prototype.constructor differ?

  3. Why was jack.prototype undefined? i.e. If it is inheriting from the function Emp(name) why didn't it reference that function?

  4. How can I clearly predict (without typing in the console) what the prototype or the constructor or the prototype.constructor ......yields?


  • It is pretty hard to wrap your mind around this concept if you are used to the ease of extending objects in other OOP languages, but I'll do my best to explain the uses of those and what is what. I am going to assume you are familiar with other OOP languages. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    All functions have the prototype Function(). They are inheriting all base functionality from Function like toString() and valueOf().

    Then there is a constructor. That is what you use to initialize an object with.

    p = new Foo();

    So in this case we have two things.

    • A function Foo with Function as prototype(Foo)
    • A Function object with Foo() as constructor(p)

    (following me yet?)

    The Foo() constructor can override some base functionality of the Function constructor or leave it as it is and make good use of it.

    If you are familiar with OOP principles, The prototype is the base class, the constructor your current class. In OOP the above would be class Foo extends Function

    You can also start inheritance with this entire setup of prototype and constructor making more complex objects as you go whilst sharing functionality.

    For example this:

    // Make an object initialiser extending Function. In OOP `class Foo extends Function`
    function Foo(bar) {
        this.baz = bar;
    Foo.prototype.append = function(what) {
        this.baz += " " + what;
    Foo.prototype.get() {
        return this.baz

    Now lets say we want different ways to get baz out of there. One for console logging and one for putting it on the title bar. We could make a big thing about our class Foo, but we don't do that, because we need to do wholly different things with the new classes that are made for different implementations. The only thing they need to share are the baz item and the setters and getters.

    So we need to extend it to use an OOP term. In OOO this would be the desired end result class Title extends Foo(){}. So lets take a look at how to get there.

    function Title(what) {
        this.message = what;

    At this point the Title function looks like this:

    • prototype Function
    • constructor Title

    So, to make it extends Foo we need to change the prototype.

    Title.prototype = new Foo();
    • prototype Foo
    • constructor Foo

    This is done by initializing a new Foo() object against the prototype. Now its basically a Foo object called Title. That is not what we want because now we can't access the message part in Title. We can make it properly extend Foo() by resetting the constructor to Title

    Title.prototype.constructor = Title;
    • prototype Foo
    • Constructor Title

    Now we are faced with one more problem. The constructor of Foo doesn't get initialized so we end up with an undefined this.baz

    To resolve that we need to call the parent. In Java you would do that with super(vars), in PHP $parent->__construct($vars).

    In Javascript we have to modify the Title class constructor to call the constructor of the parent object.

    So the Title class constructor would become

    function Title(what) {,what);
        this.message = what;

    By using the Function object property Foo inherited we can initialize the Foo object in the Title object.

    And now you have a properly inherited object.

    So instead of using a keyword like extend like other OOP languages it uses prototype and constructor.