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Accessing a runtime assigned Object from another component?

As it stands I can't seem to make sense of the events in my program. I have two components. One called EnemyMeleeSwitching and one called EnemyAI.

EnemyMeleeSwitching, who's script is contained in the same parent level as EnemyAI at runtime selects a random Weapon(object) from a list and assigns the enemyWeapon object variable as that Weapon.

Now I am under the impression that accessing the EnemyMeleeSwitching component and further the Weapon component from my EnemyAI script should allow me to then access enemyWeapon however I am getting a NullReferenceException.

Does this have something to do with execution order? Is my EnemyAI script trying to access enemyWeapon before it's been assigned?

EnemyMeleeSwitching Code below:

public class EnemyWeaponSwitching : MonoBehaviour 
    public Weapon enemyWeapon;
    public Weapon weapon01;
    public Weapon weapon02;

    private List<Weapon> weapons = new List<Weapon>();

    void Start()

        enemyWeapon = weapons[Random.Range(0, weapons.Count)];

        foreach (Weapon weapon in weapons)


EnemyAI Code call below:

weapon = (Weapon)gameObject.GetComponent<EnemyWeaponSwitching>().enemyWeapon;


  • As a follow up to my question I managed to solve this problem by moving the code from Start() to a new function which I called after establishing a reference to EnemyWeaponSwitching. This assigned the required object variable before I then called it in my EnemyAI code.

    New code below:


    weaponSwitching = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<EnemyWeaponSwitching>();
            attackRange = weaponSwitching.enemyWeapon.maxAttackRange;


    public void GenerateWeapon()
        enemyWeapon = weapons[Random.Range(0, weapons.Count)];
        foreach (Weapon weapon in weapons)