I'm using Spock to write tests for a Java application. The test includes a JMockit MockUp
for the class. When debugging a test (using IntelliJ) I would like to be able to step into the Java code. I realize using F5
to step into the code won't work, because of all the Groovy magic with reflection that goes on. Unfortunately, even if I set a breakpoint in the Java code, it still will not be hit, even though it runs through the code.
Here is the code to test:
public class TestClass {
private static void initializeProperties() {
// Code that will not run during test
public static boolean getValue() {
Here is the test code:
class TestClassSpec extends Specification {
void setup() {
new MockUp<TestClass>() {
public static void initializeProperties() {}
void "run test"() {
boolean result = TestClass.getValue()
result == true
The test passes and everything works well, but I'm not able to debug into the Java code.
Note: I can debug if I do not use the JMockit MockUp
, but that is required to test a private static
method in my production code.
Any ideas on how to get the debugger to stop in the Java code from a Spock test that uses JMockit?
This answer has plagued me for days, and I have searched and searched for an answer. Fifteen minutes after posting for help, I find the answer . So for anyone else who runs into this, here's my solution - this is all thanks to this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4852727/2601060
In short, the breakpoint is removed when the class is redefined by JMockit. The solution is to set a break point in the test, and once the debugger has stopped in the test THEN set the breakpoint in the Java code.
And there was much rejoicing...