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Defining a dsl (Domain Specific Language) using XText in Eclipse

I need your help concerning xtext programmation !
I have a diagramme (sysml model "xmi file") I want to use its elements (name of elements actions ...) to build a new editor using xtext.
I'm a beginner I wonder how to start and how to import the xmi file to explore it contents.


  • you can reference non xtext (but ecore based) models if you provide a resourceserviceprovider for them.

    • i dont know if the eclipse sysml tooling you use is ecore based - you have to digg into the plugins or tell how to get them - it would be helpful using a file extension != xmi
    • if it is provide a resourceserviceprovider for that language (alternatively you can load the model in the global scope provider as well)
    • use the ecore based metamodel to define cross references in your dsl

    i have described that for uml some years ago here