I have the following script, and would like to make it work also for classes instead of id's only:
function parallax(){
var prlx_1 = document.getElementById('banner-welcome');
prlx_1.style.top = -(window.pageYOffset / 8)+'px';
window.addEventListener("scroll", parallax, false);
I have tried to do the following, but it does not work:
function parallax(){
var prlx_1 = document.getElementsByClassName('banners');
prlx_1.style.top = -(window.pageYOffset / 8)+'px';
window.addEventListener("scroll", parallax, false);
I have also tried to change it to JQuery (at least I think I hope I did), neither does it work:
var prlx = $('.banners');
$(window).on('scroll', function () {
prlx.css({ 'top': -(window.pageYOffset / 8)+'px' });
Here are the two examples, one works, one does not:
1st example works: http://jsfiddle.net/ecb3744t/
2nd example doesn't work http://jsfiddle.net/3mc4dcus/
3rd example doesn't work http://jsfiddle.net/wvtqke36/
I've modified your third example and this should work:
var prlx = $('.banners');
$(window).on('scroll', function () {
$(prlx).css({ 'top': -(window.pageYOffset / 2)+'px' });
Your Fiddle did not include jQuery and you had a syntax error in your code.
Fiddle: modified example 3
If you don't want to use jQuery, then use this code:
function parallax(){
var prlx = document.getElementsByClassName('banners');
for(var i=0; i < prlx.length; i++) {
var elem = prlx[i];
elem.style.top = -(window.pageYOffset / 2)+'px';
window.addEventListener("scroll", parallax, false);
Note that document.getElementsByClassName() returns an array of elements. Therefore you'll have to loop through each of these elements and apply the transformation.
Fiddle: modified example 1