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How to mock method if it is getting called multiple times with different attributes?

I am writing unit tests for my Python and Fabric based code. I have following method which in turn calls sudo method of Fabric API multiple times with different arguments. I would like to know how to call assert on mock sudo object.


from fabric.api import sudo

def do_something(path_to_file_to_be_copied, destination_path):
    # remove file if already exists
    sudo('rm ' + path_to_file_to_be_copied, warn_only=True)
    sudo('cp ' + path_to_file_to_be_copied + ' ' + destination_path)

I have written test file as below :


import main_file

class MainFileTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_do_something(self, mock_sudo):
        file_path = '/dummy/file/path.txt'
        dest_dir = '/path/to/dest/dir'
        main_file.do_something(file_path, dest_dir)
        mock_sudo.assert_called_with('rm ' + file_path)

Above test fails because mocked object remembers only last call. that is, if I write mock_sudo.assert_called_with(cp + file_path + ' ' + dest_dir) then test fails.

How can I assert both the calls to sudo?


  • Try assert_any_call which asserts whether there has been any call, not just the most recent one.

    Or, you can use call_args_list to get the list of args the mock has been called with.