I have a 3D cell array with mixed data. Among them also empty cells. There are also mxn-arrays in the third dimension that have only empty cells. I want to remove those:
C(:,:,1) = {'A' 'B'; [] []; 'C' 'D'};
C(:,:,2) = {[] []; [] []; [] []};
C(:,:,3) = {[] 1; 2 []; [] 3};
should become
C(:,:,1) = {'A' 'B'; [] []; 'C' 'D'}
C(:,:,2) = {[] 1; 2 []; [] 3}
so far I have this solution
C1 = C(:,find(~all(cellfun('isempty',C),1)));
old_m = size(C,1);
old_n = size(C1,2)/size(C,2);
I mean it's basically only two lines of code. I just wonder if there's a more elegant or efficient method?
This -
Or this -