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Ext JS 3.4 - Dynamically Add Nodes in TreePanel

I saw a lot of threads talking about adding dynamic nodes to TreePanel using the getNodeById or getRootNode methods and appendChild methods.

For some reason, I'm not able to do it. I don't know if I'am doing something wrong or if this has something to do with Ext JS 3.4.

Can someone tell me if this is right?

    xtype: 'treepanel',
    id: 'testTreePanel',
    autoScroll: true,
    width: 250,
    collapsible: true,
    title: 'Navigation',
    containerScroll: true,
    enableDD: true,
    useArrows: true,
    collapsible: true,
    region: 'west',
    root: {
      allowDrag: false,
      allowDrop: false,
      iconCls: 'cover',
      id: 'testRootNode',
      text: 'Root Node'
    loader: {


Here is what I'm doing to add nodes dynamically -

var testNode = new Ext.tree.TreeNode({
     id: 'node_1',
     leaf: true,
     text: 'Test Node Text 1',
     allowDrag: false,
     allowDrop: false


I see that the nodes have been added under the root, if I do -


but I also notice that the root has allowChildren: false, loaded: false, loading: true and childrenRendered: false

All the threads I've seen say that appendChild should do the trick. I'm not sure if I'm missing something here.


  • The following code works for me:

    var tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
                id: 'treePanel',
                renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
                autoscroll: true,
                root:   {
                    id: 'root',
                    text : 'Root Node',
                    expanded : true,
                    children: []
            var treeNode = tree.getRootNode();
                    id: 'c1',
                    text: 'Child 1',
                    leaf: true
                    id: 'c2',
                    text: 'Child 2',
                    leaf: true

    The only difference with your code is that you are passing an Ext.tree.TreeNode instance to your appendChild method, whereas I am passing in just the object config for a node which is the correct way according to the docs ->!/api/Ext.tree.TreeNode-method-appendChild

    So a subtle difference, but seems to make a lot of difference!?