I have a listView with many fields and CheckBox next to each field. Screen similar to a FaceBook Profile screen with Privacy setting to each field. So friends can not see those fields if marked as Private.
On selection of CheckBox, i have to create a comma separated String.
Example, FirstName Text ---> isFirstNamePrivate boolean
LastName Text ---> isLastNamePrivate boolean ...
I have to create a
String str = "FirstName,LastName"
if both are marked as Private.
If only isFirstNamePrivate is true then String str = "FirstName"
Also if i receive a comma separated String from Service, with that i have to make those Boolean array.
String[] fieldNamesArray = "field1","field2","field3","field4","field5"};
Boolean[] isfieldPrivate = {true,false,true,false,true};
// fieldNamesArray.length will be equal to isfieldPrivate.length
Need to create below commaSeparatedStr from above given arrays.
String commaSeparatedStr = "field1,field3,field5";
Question is:
1) What is the optimized way to create a comma separated String. 2) What is the optimized way to create the Boolean array from the commaSeparatedString avoiding for loop on commaSeparatedStr .contains(str[n])
String[] fieldNamesArray = "field1","field2","field3","field4","field5"};
String commaSeparatedStr = "field1,field3,field5";
Need to create below Boolean array with commaSeparatedStr from above 2 arrays.
Boolean[] isfieldPrivate = {true,false,true,false,true};
// fieldNamesArray.length will be equal to isfieldPrivate.length
Where is the question part here? If you are asking for a suggestion: If there are 5 fields and first 3 are selected, make your string like {1,1,1,0,0} and pass it to your webservice. This would lighten the data package size.