I am a beginner and trying to convert iosslider support RTL(right to left) and I have one problem. in this code in jquery.iosslider.min.js
how can Reverse this code
setSliderOffset: function(e, d) {
ca && !Z && !$ ? a(e).css({
webkitTransform: "matrix(1,0,0,1," + d + ",0)",
MozTransform: "matrix(1,0,0,1," + d + ",0)",
transform: "matrix(1,0,0,1," + d + ",0)"
}) : a(e).css({
left: d + "px"
if you want iosslider work correctly in rtl languages you have to add this code
direction: "ltr",
after any
position: "relative",
also after
stageCSS: {
in jquery.iosslider.min.js and jquery.iosslider.js files