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Ace Editor - Remove error for specific syntax

I'm trying to make ace editor not count the following as "improper syntax" and be used for templating. Currently, I haven't been able to find anything similar that helps me work with ace and edit this. The closest I've found is Ace editor: customizing syntax error gutter which didn't really point me in a direction?

I want it so ace doesn't interpret:

var derp = %{ (whatever can go in here) }%;

both %{ and %{ respectively as an error.


  • Ace uses jshint for syntax checking which is not very extensible. If you do not have a better syntax checker, you can try hooking into and replace %{ ... }% blocks with expression/* ... */ like

    value.replace(/%\{([^}]|}[^%])*}%/g, "window/*$1*/")

    the expression is needed to keep js valid and comment to keep lines