In my previous question I wanted to force all derived classes to implement their own options class. The given answer provided a solution to my problem but then created another problem as I couldn't unwrap the object handle anymore.
I have created an empty public interface and a class that implements it:
public interface IOptions{};
public class SearchOptions : IOptions
public Boolean SearchHiddenFiles { get; set; }
public Boolean CaseSensitive { get; set; }
Then I created a base class with an abstract parameter TaskOptions
which is type of IOptions:
public abstract class Task<T> where T : IOptions
public string ID {get; set;}
public string Name {get; set;}
public abstract T TaskOptions { get; set; }
public abstract void Execute();
And finally, I created bunch of classes which extend Task class, i.e.:
public class TaskSearch : Task <SearchOptions>
public override SearchOptions TaskOptions { get; set; }
public override void Execute()
Console.Write("Search running");
The main program initializes a Job object which takes a file that has json notation that defines the id, name, etc.. along with tasks.
Lastly, here is the job class:
public class Job
public String Name { get; set; }
public String Description { get; set; }
public List<Task<IParameters>> Tasks { get; set; }
public Job(string JsonFile)
using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText(JsonFile))
string json = file.ReadToEnd();
JObject o = JObject.Parse(json);
this.Name = o.SelectToken("Name").ToString();
this.Description = o.SelectToken("Description").ToString();
JArray arr = (JArray)o["Tasks"];
foreach (var t in arr)
var taskclass = t["Name"].ToString();
var taskobj = Activator.CreateInstance("RunTasks", "RunTasks." + taskclass);
var task = (Task<IParameters>)taskobj.Unwrap(); //<-- throws System.InvalidCastException because taskobj is TaskSearch
// set task.ID, task.Name, etc..
Before I changed the Task class to implement IOptions interface, I unwrapped it as:
var task = (Task)taskobj.Unwrap();
which worked but after adding IOptions
and casting it to Task<IOptions>
it throws System.InvalidCastException error because taskobj is TaskSearch (not Task).
If I manually type Task<SearchOptions>
then it unwraps but then complains about the Tasks list at the end as it's now not type of Task<IOptions>
I need to make the Tasks list generic so it accepts all derived classes and find a way to get type parameters before unwrapping taskobj or get it from taskclass string which holds the current task name.
I'll create a dictionary for the options if I have to but this is how I wanted to implement it and I'd like to know if I can.
Thank you
Instead of implicitly defining task object, I defined it explicitly as dynamic type.
dynamic task = taskobj.Unwrap();
Without casting, compiler does not complain about it because it's dynamic and it knows it's TaskSearch during runtime.