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JQuery / Gridster Any Working Example

I have been looking for a basic working example of the Gridster.js Drag and Drop Functionality, but I have tried 3 different samples online and cant seem to get them working for me either locally or after FTP.

My Source code is here

Please can anyone help get me started on this, I have ordered a book on Functionality and looking forward to reading but would like to make a start on this project in next day or two.

Thanks Guys! Forever Helpful


  • Try their website directly:

    They have excellent documentation, and a series of demos covering a variety of scenarios.

    Looks like you are using jQuery 2.1.3, while they are using 1.10.2. As jQuery is the primary dependency for gridster.js I would use the same version that they are using in their demo examples.


    <script src=""></script>

    Or download the correct version directly

    See this fiddle: