Our project has the following structure:
├─ A
├─ A-A
├─ A-B
├─ A-C
├─ A-D
├─ A-E
├─ A-F
├─ A-G
The relevant JUnit tests are located in A-A. Before we were using Maven, we had to adapt the run configuration (set the working directory in the arguments tab to A-B which starts the application) in Eclipse in order to launch all tests without errors.
Now we get a NoClassDefFoundError
from a class located in A-A when we try to run the tests, no matter if we do that in Eclipse (Run As > JUnit Test) or with Maven (mvn test
). I think this is different to similar issues on Stack Overflow because our tests aren't working at all.
My guess is that we have a bad configured POM and Surefire can't find all class files or something like that. Is there a way to configure the plugin the way we did it with the run configuration before? Or is this error caused by something else (like M2Eclipse)?
EDIT: The internal structure of project A-A is as follows (ClassCausingError
extends a class from a Maven dependency):
├─ A-A
├─ src/main/java
├─ foo/bar/ClassCausingError.java
├─ src/main/resources
├─ src/test/java
├─ foo/bar/ClassCausingErrorTest.java
├─ target
├─ pom.xml
Setting the base directory in the main tab of the Maven build run configurations to A-B fixed the issue. This seems to have the same effect as setting the working directory for JUnit previously. In addition I edited the POM to make the tests run from the command line: