I am trying to extract the first letters of each word in a sentence the user has spoken into my app. Currently if the user speaks "Hello World 2015" it inserts that into the text field. I wish to split this so if the user speaks "Hello World 2015" only "HW2015" is inserted into the text field.
final ArrayList<String> matches = data.getStringArrayListExtra(
The matches variable is storing the users input in an array.I have looked into using split but not sure exactly how this works.
How would I achieve this?
Thank You
You can split a string into an array of string by doing this:
String[] result = my_string.split("\\s+"); // This is a regex for matching spaces
You could then loop over your array, taking the first character of each string:
// The string we'll create
String abbrev = "";
// Loop over the results from the string splitting
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++){
// Grab the first character of this entry
char c = result[i].charAt(0);
// If its a number, add the whole number
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9'){
abbrev += result[i];
// If its not a number, just append the character
abbrev += c;