So ok. That OpenGL state machine is kiddin' me! I'm serious! Just few days ago all worked with immediate mode and even VBO mode, but not today! Today im seein a white quad, cause i rewrote 80% of my old code. Thats such a cool thing, yo know.
So. I need your help guys. Here is my GL calls tracer output:
[17.02.2015 17:45:47] [--------GAME_STARTED--------]
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetBoolean(GL_COLOR_ARRAY) -> false
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetBoolean(GL_TEXTURE_2D) -> false
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetBoolean(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY) -> false
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetBoolean(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) -> false
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetBoolean(GL_INDEX_ARRAY) -> false
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetBoolean(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY) -> false
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetBoolean(GL_NORMALIZE) -> false
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetInteger(GL_MATRIX_MODE) -> GL_MODELVIEW
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetBoolean(GL_DEPTH_TEST) -> false
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetBoolean(GL_ALPHA_TEST) -> false
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetBoolean(GL_STENCIL_TEST) -> false
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetInteger(GL_DEPTH_FUNC) -> GL_LESS
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetInteger(GL_CULL_FACE_MODE) -> GL_BACK
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetBoolean(GL_BLEND) -> false
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetInteger(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING) -> 0
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetInteger(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING) -> 0
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetInteger(GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D) -> GL_CURRENT_BIT
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glCullFace(Off) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glDepthFunc(LessOrEqual) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glBindBuffer(VertexArray, -1) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glBindBuffer(ElementArray, -1) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glBindTexture(Texture2D, -1) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glViewport(0, 0, 800, 600) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGetInteger(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, java.nio.DirectIntBufferU[pos=0 lim=16 cap=16]) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glGenTextures() -> 2
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glBindTexture(Texture2D, 2) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glTexParameteri(Texture2D, GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, 0) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glTexParameteri(Texture2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, 0) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] [Setting wrap mode: Clamp]
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glTexParameteri(Texture2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glTexParameteri(Texture2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] [Setting filter mode: Nearest]
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glTexParameteri(Texture2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glTexParameteri(Texture2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glTexImage2D(Texture2D, 0, RGBA, 256, 256, 0, RGBA, UnsignedByte, java.nio.DirectByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=262144 cap=262144]) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glClear(ColorAndDepth) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glLoadIdentity() -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glMatrixMode(Projection) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glLoadIdentity() -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] gluPerspective(70.0, 1.3333334, 0.001, 5000.0) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glMatrixMode(ModelView) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glPushMatrix() -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glBegin(Quads) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glVertex3f(1.0, 0.0) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glVertex3f(1.0, 1.0) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glVertex3f(0.0, 1.0) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glEnd() -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glPopMatrix() -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glLoadIdentity() -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glMatrixMode(Projection) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] gluOrtho2D(0.0, 800.0, 600.0, 0.0) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glMatrixMode(ModelView) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glTranslatef(0.375, 0.375, 0.0) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [GLTrace] glBindTexture(Texture2D, -1) -> DONE
[17.02.2015 17:45:49] [---------GAME_ENDED---------]
This is my immediate mode quad rendering - alls white! Why is it so? Im pretty sure slick-util loaded image correctly. Image is valid (tested just two days ago). There may be some changes i made (global rendering system refactoring :3)... Im not using slick-util Texture and TextureImpl. Also i'm not using mipmaps.
This is my implementation of that piece of code:
public class Texture
protected int width, height, texWidth, texHeight, depth;
protected boolean alpha;
protected WrapMode wrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp;
protected FilterMode filterMode = FilterMode.Nearest;
protected TextureBuffer buffer;
protected PixelFormat dstPixelFormat = PixelFormat.RGBA, srcPixelFormat;
public Texture(LoadableImageData imageData, WrapMode wrapMode, FilterMode filterMode)
this.width = imageData.getWidth();
this.height = imageData.getHeight();
this.texWidth = imageData.getTexWidth();
this.texHeight = imageData.getTexHeight();
this.depth = imageData.getDepth();
this.wrapMode = wrapMode;
this.filterMode = filterMode;
this.alpha = depth == 32;
this.srcPixelFormat = alpha ? PixelFormat.RGBA : PixelFormat.RGB;
buffer = (TextureBuffer) BufferManager.create(BufferType.Texture);
BufferManager.setup(this, imageData.getImageBufferData(), srcPixelFormat.getSize());
public int getWidth()
return width;
public int getHeight()
return height;
public TextureBuffer getBuffer()
return buffer;
public WrapMode getWrapMode()
return wrapMode;
public FilterMode getFilterMode()
return filterMode;
public PixelFormat getDstPixelFormat()
return dstPixelFormat;
public PixelFormat getSrcPixelFormat()
return srcPixelFormat;
This is reworked texture loader:
public class TextureLoader
private static IntBuffer maxResolutionBuffer;
public static LoadableImageData loadImage(String resourceName)
LoadableImageData imageData = ImageDataFactory.getImageDataFor(resourceName);
ByteBuffer data = null;
try {
data = imageData.loadImage(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File("res", resourceName))),
false, null);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
FaultManager.process("Can't find image!", ex, true);
} catch (IOException ex) {
FaultManager.process("Can't load image!", ex, true);
return imageData;
public static Texture getTexture(LoadableImageData imageData, WrapMode wrap, FilterMode filter) throws IOException
if (!checkTextureResolution(imageData.getTexWidth(), imageData.getTexHeight())) {
throw new IOException("Attempt to allocate a texture too big for the current hardware");
return new Texture(imageData, wrap, filter);
public static boolean checkTextureResolution(int texWidth, int texHeight)
if (maxResolutionBuffer == null) {
maxResolutionBuffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(16);
GLProxy.getProperty(GL11.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, GLProxy.GLParamType.Integer, maxResolutionBuffer);
int max = maxResolutionBuffer.get(0);
if ((texWidth > max) || (texHeight > max)) {
return false;
return true;
In my game code i'm just using:
try {
LoadableImageData imageData = TextureLoader.loadImage("test.png");
texture = TextureLoader.getTexture(imageData, WrapMode.Clamp, FilterMode.Nearest);
} catch (IOException ex) {
FaultManager.process("Can't load texture test.png!", ex, true);
All other classes implement their own stuff and i'm pretty sure yo can find that in GLTrace.
Ok. That came up to work with immediate mode rendering and buffer objects. That also happened like magic. Immediate mode rendering was fixed by enabling GL_TEXTURE_2D (blame myself) and disabling GL_VERTEX_ARRAY and GL_INDEX_ARRAY. VBO was fixed after i just tried this time. I think that was my state changed bug, cause textures and arrays was enabled by default before. So i'm not sure how i fixed VBO this time, but i'm proud to say that "stackoverflow" still have some fresh minds! Gratz to @Jean-SimonBrochu!
It's made to use with functional programming, or state programming. This means OpenGL context (that you create with Display) will make yo crying everytime yo miss one call or pass wrong data. First - if not critical it just can work even without setting error state. Second - yo JVM will be smashed by JNI cause of crash in native code (C++/Asm).
This is my short advices how to handle this:
Thanks. Tryin' to be useful and came out with more pluses for answer rather than minuses for question :)
That was my problem in GLState class:
- public boolean depthTest = true;
+ public boolean depthTest = false;
- public boolean vertexArray = true, indexArray = true, colorArray = false, textureArray = false, normalArray = false;
+ public boolean vertexArray, indexArray, colorArray, textureArray, normalArray;
static {
+ DEFAULT_3D.depthTest = true;
+ DEFAULT_3D.vertexArray = true;
+ DEFAULT_3D.indexArray = true;
+ DEBUG_3D.depthTest = true;
+ DEBUG_3D.vertexArray = true;
+ DEBUG_3D.indexArray = true;
DEBUG_3D.faceCullingMode = FaceCullingMode.Off;
P.S. Explanation for LWJGL 2.9.1