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Custom HTML parameters for component

When you use standard t:pagelink component you can pass arbitrary number of custom HTML attributes like class or some data attributes:

<t:pagelink page="somepage" data-somedata="test">link name</t:pagelink>

And they will be included in generated a tag:

<a href="/somepage" data-somedata="test">link name</a>

This does not work for components created by me. When I have:

<t:misc.custompagelink page="somepage" data-somedata="test">link name</t:misc.custompagelink>

The generated HTML looks like this:

<a href="/somepage">link name</a>

How to mimick the behaviour of standard t:pagelink component?


  • There are 2 ways to do this, both easy:

    1) Read and follow the "Informal Parameters" section at

    2) Have your component class extend Tapestry's "Any" component (