I wan't to be able to temporary exclude a specific job from running on a node in a label group.
jobA, jobB, jobC are tied to run on label general nodeA,nodeB,nodeC have the label general on them.
Let's say that jobA starts to fail consistently on nodeA.
The only solutions that I see today are taking nodeA offline for all jobs or reconfigure many jobs or nodes which is pretty time consuming. We are using JOB-DSL to configure the jobs so changing in the job configuration requires a checkin.
An ideal situation for us would be to have a configuration on the node:
Exclude job with name: jobA
Is there some easy way to configure that jobA should temporarily only run on nodeB and node C and that jobB/C should still run on all nodes in label general?
Create a parameterized job to run some job-dsl configuration. Make one of the parameters a "Choice" listing the job names that you might want to change.
Another parameter would select a label defining the node(s) you want to run the job on. (You can have more than one label on a node).
The job-dsl script then updates the job label.
This groovy script will enable/disable all jobs in a folder:
// "State" job parameter (choice, DISABLED|ENABLED)
def targetState = ('DISABLED'.equalsIgnoreCase(State))
// "Folder" job parameter (choice or free-text)
def targetFolderPath = Folder.trim()
def folder = findFolder(jenkins, targetFolderPath)
println "Setting all jobs in '${folder.name}' to '${targetState}'"
for (job in folder.getAllJobs()) {
job.disabled = targetState
println "updated job: ${job.name}"