I am trying to pull multiple Quandl codes at the same time into R, and want to end up with a single xts object with [i] columns (plus the date column) containing the data.
The function I created to call the data from Quandl seems okay, but I need help with the syntax to create a xts object. Here is what I have so far:
# Build vector of model holdings
holdings <- c("VTI","VEA","VWO","LQD","BND","TLT","VNQ","GLD","VGSH")
# Function to fetch each holding as an xts object, adjusted close returns
getQholdings <- function(ticker){
codes <- paste("EOD/",ticker,".11",sep="")
for(i in 1:length(ticker)){
???? <- Quandl(codes[i],type="xts",transformation="rdiff",
I need help where the question marks are, which I assume should be some kind of function to build a xts object progressively with each iteration of the "for" function.
You don't need to build the xts object - Quandl
function does it for you.
Example with 2 codes:
codes <- c("EOD/VTI.11", "EOD/VEA.11")
x1 <- Quandl(codes,type="xts",transformation="rdiff",
EOD.VTI - Adj_Close EOD.VEA - Adj_Close
2014-01-31 -0.031693078 -0.052063340
2014-02-28 0.048664944 0.059478613
2014-03-31 0.005078150 -0.003653885
2014-04-30 0.000615574 0.015749939
2014-05-31 0.021019174 0.017652672
2014-06-30 0.026241859 0.010426937
But if you already have two time series then use merge
x1 <- Quandl("EOD/VTI.11", type="xts", ......
x2 <- Quandl("EOD/VEA.11", type="xts", ......
x <- merge(x1, x2)
on xts is based on time series' time index.